Brief 4 : Ground Coffee Packaging Print Tests

I decided to try printing the ground coffee packaging on different colours of card stock found in the library to see which sort of stock colour would work the best and to see how they would work when printed with all the details and information:

- I think these work well as a set of different colours, but through printing these I've realised that whatever colour stock I choose to use will have to be the same colour as the stock for the instant refill packaging. This means it may actually be easier to print a background colour on plain white stock as it would be a more accurate way of getting the same colour across the two different stock choices.

- I also played around with how to add the copy to the back of the nets, but through the tests have decided to simply have it all on the outside of the flap rather than the second half of the sentence on the inside.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013 by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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